# Invoices

# Create Invoice

POST /businesses/:urlKey/invoices

This endpoint allows you to create an invoice

Path Params

urlKey - will be provided by us


Name Type Value Description
Content-Type * string application-json
Authorization * string Bearer <jwt>


Name Type Value Description
invoiceTitle string Invoice Title
invoiceSubTitle string Invoice Subtitle
contact object Contact Details
contact.phone string phone of contact
contact.email string email of contact
invoiceNumber string Invoice number - must be unique among your invoices. If not passed in the API call, invoice number will auto-incremented from the last invoice. If the last number is APP-2020-0004 next will be APP-2020-0005
invoiceDate string ISO 8601 Formatted Date String. If not provided, current timestamp will be used.
dueDate string ISO 8601 Formatted Date String
invoiceType string (enum) INVOICE -> Tax Invoice
BOS -> Invoice/Bill without tax
currency string ISO 4217 Currency Code -> Default INR
billedTo * object Customer's billing details
billedTo.name * string Customer's Name
billedTo.street string Customer's String Address
billedTo.pincode string Customer's Zip/Postal code
billedTo.gstState string (Required Only for India) Vendor's gst state code
billedTo.state string Customer's State or province (Ignored for India)
billedTo.country * string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country code
billedTo.panNumber string PAN (India Only)
billedTo.gstin string GSTIN Number (India Only)
billedTo.phone string Customer's Phone in international format, example - +91 97394 32668
billedTo.email email Customer's email
billedBy object Vendor's billing details -> In same format as billedTo
items * array[object] Invoice line items array
items[].name * string Line item name
items[].rate * number unit price of line item
items[].quantity * number total quantity sold of line item
or items[].taxRate
number tax rate if applicable
email object Add if email should be sent after invoice creation to specified recipients
email.to object Main recipient of email
email.to.name string Name of main recipient
email.to.email email Email of main recipient
email.cc array[object] email CC list
email.cc[].name string Name of recipient
email.cc[].email email Email of recipient

# Find Invoices

GET /businesses/:urlKey/invoices

This endpoint allows you to find created invoices

Path Params

urlKey - will be provided by us


Name Type Value Description
Content-Type * string application-json
Authorization * string Bearer <jwt>

Query Prams

Optinal - Can be used for limiting results

Name Type Value Description
$limit number will return only the number of results you specify
$skip number will skip the specified number of results.
$sort object will sort based on the object you provide.
$sort[createdAt] number sort order on created date (1 ascending, -1 descending)
$sort[invoiceNumber] number sort order on invoice number (1 ascending, -1 descending)
$sort[invoiceDate] number sort order on invoice date (1 ascending, -1 descending)

# Get Invoice

GET /businesses/:urlKey/invoices/:invoiceId

This endpoint allows you to get a invoice via invoiceId (_id)

Path Params

urlKey - will be provided by us

invoiceId - unique id of an invoice. (_id returned in create response or find response)


Name Type Value Description
Content-Type * string application-json
Authorization * string Bearer <jwt>