Raspberry Pi based Face mask and Temperature detection
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Aim: This project aims to make an intelligent gate that opens only when the person is wearing a facemask and has no fever. ### What it does: 1. It uses a proximity sensor to detect the presence of a person. 2. When a person is detected, the system turns on a camera and using an image procession algorithm checks if the person is wearing a mask or not. 3. If a mask is not detected, the individual is notified to wear a mask and the system goes back to the initial stage. 4. If a mask is detected, the person is notified to get their hand closer to the temperature sensor which checks for fever. if the person has a fever, they are advised to see a doctor and the gate remains closed. Else it opens the gate and welcomes the person. For notifying the person, the system has an LCD display and a voice assistant.
November, 2021
Raspberry Pi Projects Custom Project