Did you know India is the second fastest growing market in the world, having a 46% increase in new freelancers in recent years?
Freelancing has been booming rapidly for the past few years across the globe. India is no exception, with many people stepping into this world. The onset of the pandemic and layoffs have forced many people to think of an alternative source of income — and freelancing has been a natural choice for many.
However, many people are still unaware of the freelancing process, and it is yet to gain more popularity in India. In this blog, we will explore the significant pointers that indicate what restricts the increase in the popularity of freelancing in India.
Why Is Freelancing Still Not Very Popular in India?

We scrutinize some crucial factors that depict why freelancing in India is still very underrated. Let’s read further!
1. Freelancing In India Is A Relatively New Concept
What do we mean by ‘popular?’
Ask a student what you want to become. And the most common responses would be doctors, engineers, teachers, scientists— but definitely not a freelancer! We’re still programmed to think of conventional occupations as our professions as they give us a stable income and a guaranteed job.
Check out how you can start freelancing as a student.
Many people don’t know about the freelancing process, nor do they know exactly what comes with freelancing.
Once in a conversation with one of my new friends, they asked me what I do for a living. In replying that I am into full-time freelancing, they asked me, “What is freelancing, bro? I mean, how do you do that?”
So you see, unawareness about the concept contributes to a significant factor behind it being underrated. The more people know about it and understand the process, the more coverage freelancing will receive.
Read more to learn everything you need to know about freelancing.
2. Many People Don’t Feel Comfortable Stepping Out Of The Comfort Zone
In a society that loves to stick to age-old conventions, pursuing something off-beat is difficult for people.
Here’s another point that needs attention. Freelancing offers rewarding opportunities. However, there might come a time when the freelancer runs out of projects or their payment is delayed.
There could be scenarios where a freelancer might make a good income in one month, but the next month they might wake up with no project on the table. This creates instability.
Many people in India fear the instability and don’t find it convincing to pursue a freelance career stepping out of their regular jobs that promises a stable income. Many people believe in the stereotypes that establishing a ‘real’ career is only possible in medical, engineering, teaching, or related industries.
3. Some People Lack The Guidance To Get Started
Taking up a profession that’s relatively a new thing goes well with effective mentorship and suitable suggestions.
Lack of proper guidance is another reason freelancing in India is still unpopular. Every human is different and learns things in their way.
Some people are good self-learners who figure it out all on their own and successfully make a name in the freelancing world. However, there are many cases where talented individuals can’t get ahead because they lack the proper guidance to get started.
Many also don’t have the support to get into freelancing. No offense, but many families can’t imagine their kids pursuing a living from freelancing. Some might face this kind of problem and still overcome it, but some lack the courage to take a stand for themselves.
4. Success In Freelancing Is A Time-Consuming Process
People tend to be impatient in this digital setting with brutal core competition from all around. Most look for quick ways to earn money and make a living. This combination doesn’t go well with freelancing.
What Does It Take To Be A Successful Freelancer?
- Constant upskilling to have the edge over your competitors.
- Intriguing marketing strategies to pitch your services to a potential prospect.
- Ability to implement creativity in your work that catches attention.
- Crafting tactful strategies and executing them on point to get the desired results.
Many people don’t have the patience to hang in there and put in so much effort. After a few attempts, they choose to quit if they don’t find it going.
Check out what does it take to become a successful freelancer.
Many People Believe in the Freelancing Myths
Many myths are linked to freelancing. Many people believe them without even trying it. Here are some common myths about freelancing.
- Freelancing helps to make EASY and QUICK money.
- Freelancing doesn’t need you to put extra effort and is a simple process.
- Freelancing requires you to work 2-3 hours a week, ensuring a steady income.
- You can be a six-figure freelancer within a month or two of starting the business.
These overhyped myths about freelancing lure many individuals to jump into the industry without even giving it a second thought. They don’t plan anything or have any strategy that leads to a disaster.
When freelancing doesn’t work for them, they give up and spread some negative myths about the process.
Many People Fail in Effective Time Management
Freelancing is not popular because people fail to manage time effectively. Freelancing might be rewarding and offers flexibility, but you must master time management.
Many fail to do so. They juggle between work, nearing deadlines, managing schedules, doing chores, and other things. It might create a massive burnout and even affect their overall well-being. Some practical time management tips could be:
- Preparing a to-do list and assigning separate times to the concerned tasks.
- Setting boundaries and keeping some time for spending quality time with friends, family, or close ones.
- Taking breaks and prioritizing mental and physical well-being rather than keeping up with a regular stressful routine.
Unfortunately, many fail to implement the strategies correctly and give up on the thing.
Read more about how to create an ideal day schedule as a freelancer.
Some Quick Tips To Get Started With Freelancing In India
Here are some quick tips that could help you get started with freelancing in India and grow your freelance business.
- Building an effective social media presence is essential because it adds to your credibility. Work on creating your brand by building a community of audience who connects to your work. LinkedIn is the best platform for it.
- Be very detailed about your research regarding the industry you’re interested in, like the potential opportunities, top clients in the industry, strategies that work, and so on.
- Start creating your portfolio that has your finest works included.
- Ensure preparing a captivating proposal cover letter that grabs the prospect’s attention and convinces them to hire you.
- Experiment with your pitch, see what works, and put extra effort into getting things done.
The Bottom Line
Freelancing in India has been gaining rapid popularity, with many professionals from different industries choosing to take up this field. It can be advantageous to those who know the valuable methods to handle it.
But the concept is yet to get more exposure in the country. The tips mentioned above could be helpful for you to dive into the world of freelancing and explore the treasuries!
Are you a freelancer or wish to start it soon but hold back due to some unknown fear? Why not keep it away and that shot?