HRL PROJECTS was incorporated in June 2020 with core Moto of lifting the suffering that people go through meet their basic needs with the help of this platform being provided by the company, which is reflected in our Organization's Logo, they tend to provide the best services to our clients and directly benefitting to the farmers under the guidance and Leadership of Mr. Rhaajesh Bhaskaran and its developed phenomenally. They deal with multi - division works that includes
HRL's Goumaatha - Cattle Feed & HRL's Logistics (where we cover nearly 10000 cattle,1000 farmers, 100 daily wages families per month through our Own Goumaatha and our contract brand Milk Lane to southern States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka)
HRL's - Human Resources and Financial Advisories ( where we support many start up companies for their HR process and HRMIS set ups to meet their companies entire back end process by AMC pricing models.
Financial Advisors where we do advise for investing plan through multi brand solutions for the individual tax payers and salaried person to meet their financial savings and needs, also to cover their medi-claim process and to maintain their port folios.
HRL PROJECTS awarded for Indian Achiever's 2022 by IAF New Delhi, for these details check out www.iafindia.com/hrl-projects