I am an expert in this library automation world from Kerala, India. Also, I have gathered vast knowledge about using, troubleshooting Koha Integrated Library System, DSpace Digital Repository System, and other things that are related to the library and information sector. I constantly learn new skills and gather more knowledge to be the best version of myself.
My Skills Set
• GNU/Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, and its derivatives) Server Management
• Expertise in LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP)
• Expert in using HTML, CSS, SQL
• Vast experience in Migrating Data from LibSys, BookMagic, LibSoft, E-Library Solution, E-Granthalaya, DelPlus, CDS/ISIS, and NewGenLib to Koha ILS
I am a graduate of the University of Calicut, with an M.Phil. and Master’s in Library & Information Science. I also worked as a librarian at GEMS Arts & Science College, Ramapuram. Malappuram. So, I have gained all the basic knowledge from my study and institution. That's why I can professionally do the automation work at an affordable price.
So, if my profile attracts you enough to select me for your library automation job, please, reach out via email at mail@maheshpalamuttath.info or call on +91 95676-64972