About Us
MILLIONIA means million in ideas and satisfaction.
We are Bumiputera company and vast expertise in civil construction, oil, and gas operations. We running through with 15 years of experience and many things have been developed well in terms of expertise, quality, and timeline.
We are registered with SURUHANJAYA SYARIKAT MALAYSIA (SSM) and CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD (CIDB) with a G5 grade certificate. We are working and cooperate under one group of business companies.
Why Us?
We are honor by every single concept produced. Base on the work delivered, there will bring the ideas to come to a satisfactory end. The quality and result are our main focus on being a good and trust company.
We are bringing a new and latest concept to the outcome and makes the client filling pleasant about what they spend.
For the year-end of 2020, there is a lot of ungiven for the through days before. Many things and gorgeous discounts being offered and welcome to us for detail and we are promised something will make your life different.
Your needs? (Services)
We are providing starting with an informal discussion and comes to the detail to deliver and make your dream comes through. We are providing:
⁃ Consultancy & discussion of ideas
⁃ Build a dream house (All types, we specialist in bungalow and others concept)
⁃ Renovation of houses and offices
⁃ Expert in Mechanical & Electrical (M&E)
⁃ Design and mapping
⁃ Interior & Exterior designs
⁃ Infra
⁃ Structures