Self testing station
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we are Salberry Electromotives from Coimbatore, Incubated by TREC-STEP (Supported by Atal innovation mission, NITI-AAYOG, Government of India), we are a Research and development organisation involved in the fields of Medical Equipment and Electric Mobility.
We are introducing our new Device "SELF TESTING STATION" which helps in mitigating the spread of corona virus by breaking the links in the spreading chain. The factors that influence the spread are Human interaction and Non identification of Potential carrier. Our device is designed to address both the factors
The Three I’s to mitigate the Spread is INVESTIGATE, IDENTIFY, ISOLATE
1. Taking body temperature (Investigate) of all the users completely eliminating the need for human interaction.
2. Identifying high fever persons by alerting the immediate surroundings with a buzzing noise (Identify) and eliminating the risk of potential spread.
3. Helping the health care department and Police department personnel in isolation of potential carrier by sending a High fever SMS alert (Isolate)
When the device installed in all public places will act as a Front line warrior and will comply with government norms of taking temperature measurements and frequent sanitation of hands.
Reducing the work load and human interaction of the local body to mitigate the Spread as our devices does it for them 24x7 Non stop
Ongoing Project