BlackinWhite is born in 2003 with the name "Retina", and from that it evolved to the present concept and name.
The brand has its is first appearance in 1998 as a spin-off from a college project between César Sousa e Rui Fernandes.
As an official brand, BlackinWhite was created in 2010, bring structure and image that at this time was already growing and beaming self sufficient.
This name has its origin on the concept and a path to be followed by us. It represents a way to be and exist in the market place: to always have everything "black in white" - explained and clear to the costumer.
With its growth BlackinWhite developed a range of solutions with in its portfolio and areas of expertise.
Today its a video production company that provides services of recording and video edition to several significant brands on the corporate scope.
From recording events and reporting, to the making of training videos or advertising spots, as well as institutional videos, its expertise has been developed to serve the needs and objectives of its clients companies.
Constituted by a time of people with experience and training in video (recording and editing), but as well as in company communications and advertising, BlackinWhite as the technical habitability's, the experience and portfolio that allows it to perform in the development and reply to the needs of growth and visibility of the brands and companies its clients.
Its continued investment in equipment its a demonstration of its will and spirit to lead in both quality and cutting edge solutions to its clients.
We don't build a result, but we are in love with making the trail and the outcome... and that's what you are going to get.